Creating 3D Models for 3D Printing Using Math and Code

Creating 3D models for 3D printing using math and code can be a fascinating and rewarding process. This tutorial will guide you through the basics of using mathematical concepts and coding to design 3D models, which you can then print.

Step 1: Choose Your Tools

To start, you’ll need some software tools:

  • Python: A versatile programming language that’s great for mathematical computations and scripting.
  • OpenSCAD: A script-based 3D CAD modeler that allows you to create 3D models using code.
  • NumPy: A Python library for numerical computations.

Step 2: Install the Necessary Software

Make sure you have Python and OpenSCAD installed on your computer. You can install NumPy using pip:

pip install numpy

Step 3: Understand the Basics of 3D Coordinates

3D models are built using a coordinate system. Each point in the model is defined by its x, y, and z coordinates. Understanding this system is crucial for creating accurate models.

Step 4: Start with Simple Shapes

Begin by creating simple shapes using OpenSCAD. Here’s an example of how to create a cube:

// OpenSCAD code to create a cube
cube([10, 10, 10]);

This code creates a cube with dimensions 10x10x10 units.

Step 5: Use Math to Modify Shapes

You can use mathematical functions to modify shapes. For example, you can create a sphere and then use a sine function to create a wavy surface:

// OpenSCAD code to create a wavy sphere
module wavy_sphere(radius, waves) {
    for (i = [0:360]) {
        rotate([0, i, 0])
        translate([radius * sin(i * waves), 0, 0])
        sphere(r = radius);

wavy_sphere(10, 5);

This code creates a sphere with a wavy surface by rotating and translating small spheres.

Step 6: Combine Shapes

You can combine multiple shapes to create more complex models. For example, you can create a cylinder and subtract a smaller cylinder to create a hollow tube:

// OpenSCAD code to create a hollow tube
difference() {
    cylinder(h = 20, r = 10);
    cylinder(h = 20, r = 8);

Step 7: Use Python for Advanced Calculations

For more complex models, you can use Python to perform advanced calculations and generate OpenSCAD code. Here’s an example of using Python to create a parametric spiral:


import numpy as np

# Parameters
num_turns = 10
height = 50
radius = 5

# Generate points
theta = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi * num_turns, 1000)
z = np.linspace(0, height, 1000)
x = radius * np.cos(theta)
y = radius * np.sin(theta)

# Write to OpenSCAD file
with open("spiral.scad", "w") as f:
    for xi, yi, zi in zip(x, y, z):
        f.write(f"    [{xi}, {yi}, {zi}],\n")

This Python script generates a spiral and writes the coordinates to an OpenSCAD file.

Step 8: Export and Print

Once you have your model ready in OpenSCAD, you can export it as an STL file, which is the standard format for 3D printing. In OpenSCAD, go to File > Export > Export as STL.


Using math and code to create 3D models opens up endless possibilities for customization and precision. By combining the power of Python and OpenSCAD, you can create intricate designs ready for 3D printing. Happy modeling!

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